Minggu, 17 Juli 2016

The Earliest Portuguese Sources for the History of Jakarta

The Earliest Portuguese Sources for the History of Jakarta

Including All other Historical Documents from the 5th to the 16th Centuries
Page : 170
Size : 21 x 21 cm
price : Rp 165.000,-
Five years before Jakarta was born, a Portuguese captain from Malacca, Henrique Lemé, concluded a treaty with the representatives of the Hindu Kingdom of Pajajaran in the harbour town of Sunda Kalapa on the 21st August 1522. Sunda Kalapa is the oldest name of the Indonesian Capital.
This book provides the reader with all still existent original sources for the history of Jakarta before the arrival of the first Dutch ship in 1596. The earliest sources are batutulis or stone inscriptions in Sanskrit letters, Chinese reports and Japanese safe conducts for sailors, but the main body of this book consists of Portuguese reports, notary deeds and maps of the 16th century. They provide us with a wealth of knowledge about early Sunda.
Fr. Adolf Heuken SJ, living in Jakarta, has published in Bahasa Indonesia three volumes on the earliest sources of the history of Jakarta until 1630. The first volume, comprising the ‘Portuguese time’, is now published in English to provide many of these interesting sources for the first time for wider readership interested in the earliest encounter of Europeans with the inhabitants of Java.

Buku dapat anda pesan langsung di:

Yayasan Cipta Loka Caraka
Jl. Prof. Moh. Yamin 37
Jakarta Pusat 10310
(-2 (021)31924856

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