Selasa, 19 Juli 2016

Menteng – ‘Kota taman’ pertama di Indonesia

halaman: 136
ukuran : 18 x 25 cm
harga  : Rp 75.000,-
Ilustrasi sampul: Gedung Kunstkring (1913) pada entré Gondangdia waktu belum dirusak tangan jahil (1999). – Bawah: Tosariweg (1937) kini Jl. Kusumaatmaja; suatu vila luks di Jl. Diponegoro; interior residensi seorang duta besar di Jl. Diponegoro; jendela gaya Art Deco pada pintu masuk suatu rumah di Jl. Kusumaatmaja; Gereja Teresia (1934) dan gedung BAPPENAS (1926)
Kami tinggal di Menteng sejak akhir tahun 1960-an: Pada waktu itu jalan-jalan utama pun banyak lobang, lampu jalanan sebagian rusak. Jl. Cokroaminoto belum ramai, karena berakhir di Kali Banjir dan Bioskop Menteng termasuk bioskop kelas satu di Jakarta. Kavaleri bermarkas di Jl. Gereja Teresia dan satuan tentara lain di Jl. Mangunsarkoro. Waktu itu Jenderal Soeharto tinggal di bundaran Jl. H.A. Salim dan Jl. Cendana masih sepi. Mesjid Sunda Kelapa belum dibangun dan pengunjung Gereja HKBP belum memadati Jl. Jambu. Jalan-jalan di sekitar Gereja Teresia dan Sarinah (yang belum selesai dibangun) sering dilanda banjir besar, sehingga banyak mobil mogok. Menteng – selain bulevar Jl. Imam Bonjol-Diponegoro – merupakan kawasan pemukiman yang tenang. Sangat nyaman duduk di teras di muka rumah pada sore dan malam hari sambil memandangi jalan melalui pagar hijau yang rendah, membaca koran atau menerima tamu. Suasana sepi, kecuali bunyi tik-tok penjual bakso, teriakan ‘Sate!’ dan kencrang-kencring tukang pijat yang lewat. Becak dengan giring-giring membawa orang ke tempat tujuan. Di beberapa kios lama di persimpangan jalan dijual minuman dan kebutuhan pokok rumahtangga. Toko Li baru berubah menjadi Toserba Gelael pertama, dan Lapangan Persidja belum di kelilingi tembok tinggi. Menteng ini hilang …
Sejak tahun 1970-an waktu Petro Dollar mulai mengalir ke kantong pejabat dan kontraktor karbitan Pertamina, rumah-rumah lama mulai dipermak, dibongkar, lalu diganti. Jalan-jalan diperbaiki dan banyak di antaranya dijadikan satu arah. Lalu-lintas dari arah Kuningan dan Salemba melewati kawasan ini. Gedung eprkantoran tinggi di Jl. Thamrin didatangi banyak pegawai dan pengunjung. Semakin ramai! Rumah mewah dibangun – lazimnya tanpa selera. Halaman muka dan belakang diisi bangunan tambahan, sehingga ciri ‘kota taman’ pertama di Indonesia ini semakin rusak. Suhu udara naik, kantor berjamuran, dan warung dibiarkan memadati trotoar, taman serta pojok persimpangan jalan, asal membayar ‘uang keamanan’.
Pada foto dan kisah lama, Jakarta dan terutama Menteng, tampak bersih dan teratur. Namun akhir-akhir ini berjalan kaki dengan aman adalah hal yang mustahil. Terantuk besi di tengah trotoar atau diserempet sepeda motor, yang menyerobot jalur pejalan kaki menjadi hal ‘biasa’. Keliaran cara hidup ini menciptakan pemandangan yang mencemaskan dengan munculnya deretan bangunan asal jadi yang bergaya campuraduk. Sungguh berbeda dengan Jakarta tempo dulu, yang tertata baik dan diisi dengan bangunan bergaya selaras satu sama lain.
Is Menteng lost? Apakah buku ini karya sejarah tentang masa lampau yang sudah lewat dan tinggal kenang-kenangan? Belum! Buku ini ingin memperlihatkan sejarah perkembangan serta karakter kawasan Menteng dan membangkitkan kesadaran serta kepedulian akan wilayah Jakarta yang unik ini, selama belum rusak total. Memang, instansi DKI Jakartalah yang terutama berkewajiban menjaga aset city planning pertama di Ibu Kota kita ini, termasuk bangunan-bangunan wilayah yang bergaya arsitektur khusus ini. Namun demikian, tanpa kepedulian serta keterlibatan warga Menteng the battle is lost. Ada pejabat pemerintah yang peduli, ada fakultas-fakultas yang tertarik pada gaya bangunan khas Menteng, ada warga yang memelihara keaslian rumah mereka dengan segenap hati. Tetapi, ‘dewa’ Jakarta yang bernama duit semakin menyingkirkan peraturan pemerintah, semangat generasi muda, rasa seni dan nostalgia generasi tua. Semoga buku ini memperkuat warga Menteng, yang mempedulikan pelestarian lingkungan hidup, yakni ‘kota taman’ di tengah-tengah Jakarta!

Buku dapat anda pesan langsung di:

Yayasan Cipta Loka Caraka
Jl. Prof. Moh. Yamin 37
Jakarta Pusat 10310
(-2 (021)31924856

Minggu, 17 Juli 2016

The Earliest Portuguese Sources for the History of Jakarta

The Earliest Portuguese Sources for the History of Jakarta

Including All other Historical Documents from the 5th to the 16th Centuries
Page : 170
Size : 21 x 21 cm
price : Rp 165.000,-
Five years before Jakarta was born, a Portuguese captain from Malacca, Henrique Lemé, concluded a treaty with the representatives of the Hindu Kingdom of Pajajaran in the harbour town of Sunda Kalapa on the 21st August 1522. Sunda Kalapa is the oldest name of the Indonesian Capital.
This book provides the reader with all still existent original sources for the history of Jakarta before the arrival of the first Dutch ship in 1596. The earliest sources are batutulis or stone inscriptions in Sanskrit letters, Chinese reports and Japanese safe conducts for sailors, but the main body of this book consists of Portuguese reports, notary deeds and maps of the 16th century. They provide us with a wealth of knowledge about early Sunda.
Fr. Adolf Heuken SJ, living in Jakarta, has published in Bahasa Indonesia three volumes on the earliest sources of the history of Jakarta until 1630. The first volume, comprising the ‘Portuguese time’, is now published in English to provide many of these interesting sources for the first time for wider readership interested in the earliest encounter of Europeans with the inhabitants of Java.

Buku dapat anda pesan langsung di:

Yayasan Cipta Loka Caraka
Jl. Prof. Moh. Yamin 37
Jakarta Pusat 10310
(-2 (021)31924856

… dahin wo der Pfeffer wächst

Format: Soft-cover, 272 pages
Size  : 17 x 25 cm
Price : Rp 360.000.-

“Vierhundert Jahre Deutsche auf den Inseln Indonesiens”, von A. Heuken SJ, 272 Seiten, viele farbige Illustrationen und Karten, Euro 30,-, Cipta Loka Caraka, Jakarta, 2010.
Das Leben und Schicksal vieler Deutscher in der Zeit der Vereenigden Oost-Indischen Compagnie (1618-1799) und der holländischen Kolonialzeit bis zum Ende des 2. Weltkriegs ist der spannende Inhalt dieses Buches. Dargestellt werden mit originalen Texten u.a. folgende Personen S. Wurffbain aus Nürnberg, Naturforscher. E. Rumphius, Baron von Imhoff, das Kapregiment aus Württemberg, Gründer des Botanischen Gartens in Bogor C. Reinwardt, Naturforscher F. Junghuhn, General Bernard von Sachsen- Weimar, Unternehmer E. Helfferich, Forschungsreisender K. Helbig, Firmen wie Behn & Meyer und Siemens u.a. Dichter M. Dauthenday, Hitlers Vertrauter W. Hewel, die Deutsche Schule in Sarangan z.Zt. derjapanischen Besatzung (1943-1948), der tragische Untergang der ‘Van Imhoff’ mit mehr als 400 deutschen Zivilinternierten …
Dieses Buch bringt als erstes eine Geschichte Deutscher, Osterreichischer und Schweizer, die es aus verschiedenen Gründen in die tropische Inselwelt Indonesiens verschlagen hat, einige aus Abenteuerlust, andere aus purer Armut oder weil sie aus der Heimat verschwinden mußten. Von zig Tausenden wissen wir nur ihre Anzahl, denn nur wenigen glückte es, die Heimat wieder zu sehen. Eine spannende und interessante Lektüre.

Go … where the pepper grows

The life and fate of many German at the time of Vereenigden Oost- India Company (1618-1799) and the Dutch colonial period until the end of World War 2 is the exciting content of this book . Are represented with original texts , inter alia, following persons p Wurffbain from Nuremberg, naturalist. E. Rumphius , Baron von Imhoff , the Kapregiment from Württemberg , founder of the Botanical Garden in Bogor C. Reinwardt , naturalist F. Junghuhn , General Bernard of Saxe- Weimar , entrepreneur E. Helfferich , Explorer K. Helbig, companies such as Behn Meyer & and Siemens among others Poet M. Dauthenday , Hitler’s confidant W. Hevel , the German school in Sarangan currently the Japanese occupation (1943-1948) , the tragic sinking of the ‘ Van Imhoff ‘ with more than 400 German civilian internees …
This book is the first to bring a story of German, Austrian and Swiss , ‘ve ended up , for various reasons in the tropical islands of Indonesia , some for adventure , others out of sheer poverty or because they had to disappear from the home. From tens of thousands , we only know their number , because only few succeeded to see home again . An exciting and interesting read.

Yayasan Cipta Loka Caraka
Jl. Prof. Moh. Yamin no. 37
Jakarta Pusat 10310
Telp./faks.: (021)-319 24856
email      :
HP + WA    : 0812-8313-749

Buku dapat anda pesan langsung di:

Yayasan Cipta Loka Caraka
Jl. Prof. Moh. Yamin 37
Jakarta Pusat 10310
(-2 (021)31924856

“Allerneuester Geographisch- und Topographischer Schau-Platz von Africa und Ost-Indien …”, 1744

First facsimile in Indonesia

An exceptional book

Facsimile of all drawings and pages about Batavia in Allerneuester Geographisch- und Topographischer Schau-Platz von Africa und Ost-Indien … by J.W. Heydt Willhermsdorff 1744, published by Yayasan Cipta Loka Caraka and Galeri Kartini, Jakarta 2012. – An English translation and a commentary by Adolf Heuken on Heydt’s book.
The first volume contains the 123 pages of Heydt’s German book on Batavia including 42 drawings. They are reproduced precisely from an original work in the library of the Galeri Kartini. The English translation is printed in the same size as the German original.
Second volume: A Commentary of 16 pages is added to the translation.
Both volumes (31,7 x 37 cm) are printed in full colour.

German facsimile + English translation and commentary (inbox)
Format: Hard Cover, 123 pages + 143 pages
Size : 37,5 x 32,5 cm
Price : Rp 1.950.000,- or € 152.- or US$ 200.-
Limited edition!
The monumental work of J.W. ­Heydt “Allerneuester Geographisch- und Topo­graphischer Schau-Platz von Africa und Ost-Indien….” has been published in Nürnberg 1744. It is the first illustrated book on ­Batavia written by an ­eyewitness who lived there between 1737 and 1740. J.W. Heydt was a precise ­drawer and surveyor. He produced 41 engravings of different places in and around Batavia on order of Governor-General Valckenier. For himself Heydt always made another engraving, which he published together with precise descriptions after his return to Germany. F. de Haan, the well known archivist and author of Oud Batavia, praises the accuracy and reliability of Heydt’s drawings and descriptions. An indispensable source for the history of Jakarta!
This reprint reproduces 123 pages of the original book in the library of the Galeri Kartini as faithful as possible. At the moment there are only two ­copies of the original edition of 1744 in Jakarta. Therefore this reprint and its translation are of greatest importance for everyone interested in the history of Jakarta.
The text of 41 chapters has been translated into English and reprinted in the same way as the German book. Therefore it is easy to compare the translation with original. The commentary written by Adolf Heuken, the well known historian of Jakarta, provides ample information about the author, the book and the contemporary situation at the middle of the 18th century. It makes it easy to refer to the present situation of all engravings drawn by ­Heydt more than 250 years ago. Colour fotos show the present places concerned.
The Cipta Loka Caraka Foundation, known by its standard work ‘Historical Sites of Jakarta’, 20077 and the Gale­ri Kartini make a valuable contribution for any historical research of the city of Jakarta and provide the reader with wonderful drawings. The facsimile “Allerneuester Geographisch- und Topographischer Schau-Platz von Africa und Ost-Indien” is a treasure in every library. The copies of the reprint are limited.
The original contains 123 pages, 37,5 x 32,5 cm, and the translation is of the same size and has 143 pages. Both books are printed in full colour and put together in a hard coverbox. It is a most valuable present for any person who is fond of antique books and prints on Jakarta.
Because the German original maybe difficult to read, the English translation is also printed separatly.

Buku dapat anda pesan langsung di:

Yayasan Cipta Loka Caraka
Jl. Prof. Moh. Yamin 37
Jakarta Pusat 10310
(-2 (021)31924856

Paintings and description of Batavia in Heydt's book of 1744

English translation and commentary – Paintings and description of Batavia in Heydt’s book of 1744

Format : Hard Cover, 143 pages
Size : 37,5 x 32,5 cm
Price : Rp 690.000,- or € 54.- or US$ 70.-

The monumental work of J.W. ­Heydt “Allerneuester Geographisch- und Topo­graphischer Schau-Platz von Africa und Ost-Indien….” has been published in Nürnberg 1744. It is the first illustrated book on ­Batavia written by an ­eyewitness who lived there between 1737 and 1740. J.W. Heydt was a precise ­drawer and surveyor. He produced 41 engravings of different places in and around Batavia on order of Governor-General Valckenier. For himself Heydt always made another engraving, which he published together with precise descriptions after his return to Germany. F. de Haan, the well known archivist and author of Oud Batavia, praises the accuracy and reliability of Heydt’s drawings and descriptions. An indispensable source for the history of Jakarta!
This reprint reproduces 123 pages of the original book in the library of the Galeri Kartini as faithful as possible. At the moment there are only two ­copies of the original edition of 1744 in Jakarta. Therefore this reprint and its translation are of greatest importance for everyone interested in the history of Jakarta.
The text of 41 chapters has been translated into English and reprinted in the same way as the German book. Therefore it is easy to compare the translation with original. The commentary written by Adolf Heuken, the well known historian of Jakarta, provides ample information about the author, the book and the contemporary situation at the middle of the 18th century. It makes it easy to refer to the present situation of all engravings drawn by ­Heydt more than 250 years ago. Colour fotos show the present places concerned.
The Cipta Loka Caraka Foundation, known by its standard work ‘Historical Sites of Jakarta’, 20077 and the Gale­ri Kartini make a valuable contribution for any historical research of the city of Jakarta and provide the reader with wonderful drawings. The facsimile “Allerneuester Geographisch- und Topographischer Schau-Platz von Africa und Ost-Indien” is a treasure in every library. The copies of the reprint are limited.
The original contains 123 pages, 37,5 x 32,5 cm, and the translation is of the same size and has 143 pages. Both books are printed in full colour and put together in a hard coverbox. It is a most valuable present for any person who is fond of antique books and prints on Jakarta.
Because the German original maybe difficult to read, the English translation is also printed separatly.

Format: Hard Cover, 123 pages + 143 pages
Size : 37,5 x 32,5 cm
Price : Rp1.950.000,- or € 152.- or US$ 200.-
Limited edition!

Buku dapat anda pesan langsung di:

Yayasan Cipta Loka Caraka
Jl. Prof. Moh. Yamin 37
Jakarta Pusat 10310
(-2 (021)31924856